By October 8, 2008, which is only twelve days after Tiffany Jobbagy filed a domestic violence restraining order against Frankii Cruz, Frankii Cruz was already established in an online, long distance relationship with Rachel Aripa of Rochester, New York who he met when both were deployed to Cuba in 2005.
On October 15, 2008 Tiffany Jobbagy was granted a restraining order for five years against Frankii Cruz.
On October 22, 2008, Rachel Aripa posted the photo below of herself with the caption, "Trying to be sexy for my man!" Frankii Cruz replied, "And your man is loving it! Thank you babe, mmmwah!" By October 25, 2008 Frankii Cruz was telling people that he was engaged to Rachel Aripa, which caught her off gaurd because she asked him, "Engaged?!?! I have yet to see a rock sweetie?!?! Umm...is there something you want to tell me?"

Rachel Aripa submitted this statement on November 2, 2008,
"I know that bitch couldn't keep her man... he's mine now so get the fuck over it." On November 7, 2008 Frankii Cruz claimed that he was going in to court on December 3, 2008 to fight for custody of his son, Domanic Cruz, and by the next day Rachel Aripa's relationship with Frankii Cruz was over. On November 8, 2008 Rachel Aripa stated,
"I would have given the world, if only on a slower pace." Frankii Cruz expressed that his heart was "crushed."

Folks, please be very, very cautious when taking nude, or slightly nude, photos of yourself with and/or for Frankii Cruz. Frankii Cruz holds no regard for the privacy, or respect, of the women he dates and will publish on the Internet the photos you give him and/or take with him. Frankii Cruz will likely convince you that he loves you and that he would never make your private photos public.

It seems that, based on Frankii Cruz's time line of his relationships, that Frankii Cruz has women ready for him to pursue in the event that his latest relationship fails. Frankii Cruz bragged on August 10, 2009,
"I don't need to urge any woman to do anything on video or to take any pictures nude. Do you know how many pictures I get from different women on a weekly basis?" In Frankii Cruz's effort to prove himself, Frankii Cruz actually offered photos of his exes, Rachel Aripa, in her underwear, and actual nude photographs of Tiffany Jobbagy (posted on the link list titled 2007 JUL: Tiffany Jobbagy (Fiance).

As is typical of the narcissist/sociopath, Frankii Cruz seems to feel that his needs take priority over the needs of others and Frankii Cruz has already exhibited behavior which exploits the private photos of women he has dated. It seems that Frankii Cruz has shown off his former conquests' photos in an effort to brag about how desired he is and also in an effort to make others feel envious of him.
Rachel Lorraine Aripa was previously married to Shane Keyes but they divorced in 2007. Rachel Lorraine Aripa has a son named Aiden. Rachel Lorraine Aripa is employed as a Deputy Sheriff and works as a Jailor in Monroe County, New York.
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