----- Real Name: Francisco Javier Cruz or Francisco Cruz or Francisco J. Cruz ----- ----- Akas: Frankii Cruz, Frankie Cruz, Frankii J. Cruz ----- Jessica Poppineau ----- Pearl Alomar
To hear Tiffany Jobbagy's message to Frankii Cruz a few months before in December 2008 press the play button.
It seems that in April 2009, while Frankii Cruz was dating and living with Celmira Gutierrez, Frankii Cruz established contact with ex-fiance, Tiffany Jobbagy. Frankii Cruz begged for another chance at a relationship with Tiffany Jobbagy, and even suggested to her that he continue to live in Menifee (with Celmira Gutierrez) while he took the time to date Tiffany Jobbagy. In response to Frankii Cruz's email, Tiffany Jobbagy wrote on April 30, 2009:
"So just because I cannot see myself having kids or a life with this "guy" doesn't mean much. To be honest that doesn't happen that often. Many times a relationship over time progresses and then one can see their life with that person. Yes for me you were different. I knew right away that I wanted to be with you and wanted a life with you. However we cannot change the past, just learn from it. Ive learned. And I've learned what I can no longer settle with. I know what my weakness is and what I can and cannot deal with. What I do and what I don't want. I know I don't want to be unhappy and I cannot allow myself to have this "thing" with you.
On the same day Frankii Cruz replied: "I really don't know what else to say. I'm trying to fight for your love once again. but I dont know how to do it without .... i dont even know what im trying to say anymore.You dont need him for companionship. I am here for that. your gonna allow another man to replace me just "to pass the time" when we can use that tme to fix everything. I am wanting and willing to do anything and everything that it takes to make this work. you can be assured that I wont ask or need another chance if this one is granted.
"you wont need to check in with me at all, you are more than wecome to go as you please and do what you want, you are an independent woman. I can repect that. I will still live up here so your personal space will not be inturrupted and I can see you only when you want me to or need me to. like I said before we can take it super slow so you will not feel like sex will be an issue cause it wont. if we get to that point i will cherish it and not take it for granted or expect it. We will go and do things like we use to, no more just hanging around the house although at times it is nice but i want to experience so much out there with you and you only. this time away from you is killing me and its not fun being in my position.
"i wrote you that poem and the first four lines if you remember were " Did you know that god above, sent YOU here for ME to love. HE picked you out from all the rest, because HE knew I would love you best." and after all of this time with out you i have gone over and over in my little head what i could have done and what i didnt do and all these what if's and omg all with the same outcome god please grant me just one more chance! and then out of no where we began to talk and everything is cool and when we saw each other it was a confirmation. if i didnt feel for you the way i did when i saw you or vice versa then i wouldnt have bothered but honey everything felt like it can be alright, we can do this, dont quite on this, dont quit on what you and i know we can be please."
While Frankii Cruz was attempting to re-enter into a relationship with Tiffany Jobbagy while still dating and living with Celmira Gutierrez, neither relationship worked out, and by May20, 2009 Frankii Cruz (who would be turning thirty years old in June 2009) entered into a new relationship with nineteen year old Noemi Figueroa.
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