Celmira Gutierrez was a Lingerie Party and Sex Toy Party consultant for TickleYourFancyParties.net as well as a former aspiring actress. Celmira Gutierrez has also earned income by being a surrogate mother and through her attempted business Root of Radiance, which is a colon irrigation service. Celmira Gutierrez has three children with two different men, Javier Silva who she was married to and then divorced, and the second man Anthony Rodriguez, who Celmira Gutierrez filed a domestic violence charge against.

An incident occurred on February 10, 2009 which Frankii Cruz summed up as, "long story short, a chick i'm seeing out here slapped me outside of a bar i work at tonight and as a reaction i pushed her and she flew to the ground."

By March 1, 2009 Frankii Cruz and Celmira Gutierrez moved together to Menifee, CA to be closer to Celmira's family and sister, Monique Rivas. Frankii Cruz began working for Black Towing in Murietta, CA and Frankii Cruz and Celmira Gutierrez continued to date and attend parties together. Celmira Gutierrez attended a birthday party for Frankii Cruz' mentor, Ned, on or around March 30, 2009 but by mid-May 2009 Celmira Gutierrez decided to separate from Frankii Cruz.
It seems that in April 2009, while Frankii Cruz was dating and living with Celmira Gutierrez, Frankii Cruz established contact with ex-fiance, Tiffany Jobbagy. Frankii Cruz begged for another chance at a relationship with Tiffany Jobbagy, and even suggested to her that he continue to live in Menifee (with Celmira Gutierrez) while he took the time to date Tiffany Jobbagy.

Monique Rivas stated that this photo she took of herself was taken when she was a minor and that her parents took her to the police station and filed charges on her behalf since she is a minor. Both statements are false: she was not a minor when she took the photograph of herself and she was not a minor when she claimed that her parents took her to the police station. Monique Rivas claimed that this website was under investigation by the police which is probably what Frankii Cruz told her. There is nothing illegal published on this website and this website strives to keep away from libel and slander.
Monique Rivas claimed that JCS was being traced by the police as being responsible for this website, which is probably what Frankii Cruz also told her. JCS is Frankii Cruz's second ex-wife. JCS attempted to file two restraining orders against Frankii Cruz for publishing sex solicitation on her behalf on the internet which compromised her safety. The restraining orders were denied because Frankii Cruz had then-fiance Tiffany Jobbagy lie on the witness stand in his defense. Eight months after Tiffany Jobbagy defended Frankii Cruz in court she, herself, filed for and was granted a five year restraining order against Frankii Cruz.

Be cautious in your accusations since your claim that you were a minor in the photograph posted above runs the risk of having yourself jailed. You are the original creator and publisher of your photograph and would be faced with charges of photographing illegal content (of yourself as a minor) and then publishing it on the internet. Recently a fourteen-year-old girl was arrested for taking nude photos of herself and then publishing the photos on Myspace. Again, be cautious in your accusations.
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