Jaime DePriest was formerly Jaime DePriest-Stewart and has two children, Adel and Landon, from her previous marriage to David Stewart, which ended in October 2007. Jaime DePriest and David Stewart share joint custody of Adel and Landon.

Frankii Cruz began working for Dugger's Services as a tow truck driver on December 22, 2010.

Frankii Cruz would make comments that he was, ""Getting my kids some Lunchables for school." And that he was, "At home with my sick 6 year old lil man and my playful 5 month old catching up on some of my dvr'd shows." Or that he was, "Running errands with my son. Its guy time." Frankii Cruz also referred to Jamie DePriest's home as 'La Casa de Cruz', attended Adel and Landon's school functions, and was even present for Brailynn's 6-month-old checkup on March 14, 2011.

In June 2011 Jaime DePriest and Frankii Cruz celebrated his 32nd birthday. And on Father's Day Frankii Cruz exclaimed, "WOW! What a day :) Greatest Father's Day EVER!"
But by July 2011 Jaime DePriest had separated from Frankii Cruz; a relationship total of seven months. Jamie DePriest had Frankii Cruz moved out of her home, so Frankii Cruz relocated and rented a room from Dylan DePriest, Jamie DePriest's 23-year-old cousin, who, according to this website, was arrested a few months later for soliciting.
By July 15, 2011 Frankii Cruz attempted to purchase a car since he no longer had access to Jamie DePriest's vehicles, but was not approved so Frankii Cruz used the public transportation system.

It is likely that during this time of separation from Jamie DePriest, Frankii Cruz appealed to her for a second chance, and on July 31, 2011 they both went to dinner. Frankii Cruz spent time with Jamie DePreist's church pastor on August 8, 2011, and two days later Frankii Cruz and Jamie DePriest went on another date.

On August 17, 2011 Frankii Cruz spent the evening drinking at the local strip club Knockouts. It is also during this time that Frankii Cruz began an online retail store hosted on BigCartel under the name Sancho Pancho Inc.
One of Jaime DePriest's family members sent in this note: "He is just out to ruin another good woman's life and use her like he did all the other women. The only difference is that he messed with her children! He is no longer involved with her and will NEVER be involved with her again. Good riddance to him!"
On August 20, 2011 Frankii Cruz commented , "Good morning world!! I woke up to the best pictures and videos a man could get." By Septemeber 1, 2011, Frankii Cruz was established in a physical relationship with 34 year old Vanessa Roybal from Texas. Vanessa Roybal's formerly married name was Vanessa Greenwood.
Frankii Cruz moved to Texas and in with Vanessa Roybal on October 20, 2011. They are engaged to be married October 20, 2012.